Simple Toddler Activity: Color Sorting Bin

After several stormy days in a row, my toddler was getting quite bored. While I don’t claim to be a “Pinterest mom,” I do enjoy being creative. So, I made a trip to the Dollar Tree hoping for some toddler activity inspiration.

Since it is Easter season, there are so many bright, and colorful things in the store right now. My mind instantly started imagining an activity focused on learning colors.

I found these colorful, little cars that are actually Easter eggs, so they open! Then I grabbed a muffin tin, tongs (to help with developing fine motor skills), craft pom poms and construction paper. All in, including the plastic tub, it was under $10!

I cut out circles from the construction paper with corresponding colors for the bottom of the muffin tin, and added a rubber band to the tongs to help little hands.

I will admit that my toddler’s favorite part is dumping the pom poms on the floor, but with a little guidance, he learned he can pick up the pom poms with the tongs and sort them into the tins or even open the cars and place the pom poms inside.

It was an inexpensive activity and most everything in the bin can be repurposed for another activity or craft later on.

Here’s to making learning fun, and creating distracting activities so we can enjoy our coffee hot!


These Are The Days